Carnets de route contains information specifically aimed at refugees and refugee claimants, as well as the people assisting them. Carnets de route is intended to help you with the process of settling in when you arrive and during your first few years in Québec.
With Carnets de route, you will enjoy an engaging experience: reliable, organized and accessible information about Québec society, steps to take, to-do lists, timelines, summary diagrams and much more!
Select whether you would like to view the website in English or French, then answer the following three questions to be directed to the right information.

Your profile
Refugee Claims
Accepted Refugee Claims
Refused Refugee Claims

The Carnets de route project contains the information needed for refugees and refugee claimants to settle in. We provide a limited number of key resources. For additional resources near you and depending on your needs, please see other resource directories already available in Québec, like 211 or The Welcome Guide by Welcome Collective.
We are not responsible for the availability of the services offered by the resources in Carnets de route. Please note that their contact information may differ from the information shown here.
Multilingual – Information and referral service for social and community services
Canadian Orientation Abroad Participant Workbook – IOM
Participant Workbook: Canadian Orientation Abroad Participant Workbook – IOM
Audio Guide “O Canada – conversations dialogue”: Canadian Orientation Abroad: O-Canada Conversations
Mobile application “O Canada”: O Canada – App Store
CNESSTCommission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
Employment Rights – The Welcome Guide – Welcome Collective
Find a Service Canada office in Québec
Legal clinic – ICW-CTTI
Mouvement Action-Chômage
Found in many cities throughout Québec. Search for “Mouvement Action-Chômage” online with the name of your town or region.
Qualifications Québec
For the recognition of prior learning and acquired competencies