Here are a few companion tools to Carnets de route created by the CERDA:
Carnets de route contains information specifically aimed at refugees and refugee claimants, as well as the people assisting them. Carnets de route is intended to help you with the process of settling in when you arrive and during your first few years in Québec.
With Carnets de route, you will enjoy an engaging experience: reliable, organized and accessible information about Québec society, steps to take, to-do lists, timelines, summary diagrams and much more!
Select whether you would like to view the website in English or French, then answer the following three questions to be directed to the right information.

Your profile
Refugee Claims
Accepted Refugee Claims
Refused Refugee Claims

Other tools
1. Carnets de route Promotional Poster
Download, print and share the Carnets de route promotional poster: it is bilingual and includes QR codes leading to the Carnets de route website.
2. Trousse d’outils pour soutenir l’intervention auprès de demandeurs d’asile
Trousse d’outils pour soutenir l’intervention auprès de demandeurs d’asile [French only]
Toolkit to raise awareness of the experiences of refugee claimants and the unique challenges of working with these individuals.
3. Toolkit – Access to Services for Asylum Seekers in Québec
Toolkit – Access to Services for Asylum Seekers in Québec
Tables summarizing the services available and unavailable to refugee claimants and an overview of the different possible migration situations.
4. Le PFSI : Favoriser l’accès aux soins de santé
Le PFSI : Favoriser l’accès aux soins de santé [French only]
Multiple tools to help professionals become providers and assist individuals with IFHPInterim Federal Health Program coverage.
5. Bien-être et santé mentale des personnes réfugiées
Bien-être et santé mentale des personnes réfugiées [French only]
Overview of mental health support practices and measures for refugees in Québec; webinars and other tools for counsellors.
6. Soutien dans l’intervention auprès des personnes en demande d’asile – Séance de partage d’outils
Soutien dans l’intervention auprès des personnes en demande d’asile – Séance de partage d’outils [French only]
List of tools and information sessions to support work with refugee claimants. Some tools are mainly intended for refugee claimants, while others are mainly for professionals and counsellors who work with this population.