Welcome to Carnets de route

Carnets de route contains information specifically aimed at refugees and refugee claimants, as well as the people assisting them. Carnets de route is intended to help you with the process of settling in when you arrive and during your first few years in Québec. 


With Carnets de route, you will enjoy an engaging experience: reliable, organized and accessible information about Québec society, steps to take, to-do lists, timelines, summary diagrams and much more!


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Image of a permanent resident card
Example of a permanent resident card
Did you arrive in Canada with permanent residency?
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Image of a positive Notice of Decision from the IRB
Example of a positive Notice of Decision from the IRBImmigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Have you received the IRBImmigration and Refugee Board of Canada ’s decision after your hearing?
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Your profile

Refugee Claims

You have made a refugee claim at a port of entry or from inside Canada. You are waiting for your hearing to determine whether you will be recognized as a refugee or person in need of protection.

Accepted Refugee Claims

After making a refugee claim in Canada, you have had your hearing and have been recognized as a refugee or person in need of protection. You can apply for permanent residency.

Refused Refugee Claims

You have had your hearing and have not been recognized as a refugee or person in need of protection. You are exploring the different options available to you.


You arrived in Canada as a refugee and with permanent residency. You are being supported by a host organization or sponsorship group (sponsor) during your first year in Québec.


The Carnets de route project contains the information needed for refugees and refugee claimants to settle in. We provide a limited number of key resources. For additional resources near you and depending on your needs, please see other resource directories already available in Québec, like 211 or The Welcome Guide by Welcome Collective.

We are not responsible for the availability of the services offered by the resources in Carnets de route. Please note that their contact information may differ from the information shown here. 


Multilingual – Information and referral service for social and community services

811 Info-Santé

Available 24/7 – Health advice and referrals

811 Info-Social

Available 24/7 – Social services advice and referrals


Available 24/7 – For immediate emergency assistance (police, ambulance, fire department, etc.)

Academic Aid – The Refugee Centre

Help applying for a study permit, finding computers and post-secondary bursaries, etc.

Adult Learnline (Info Apprendre)

Support, listening and reference service in education (particularly on training offers)

AGIR Montréal

Multilingual – Support for LGBTQIA+ migrants

Alloprof and Alloprof Parents 

Free academic support throughout Québec

Book a medical appointment – Clic Santé

Book an appointment – Répertoire de ressources en santé et services sociaux – Government of Québec 

Canada Revenue Agency

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Information and support if you experience discrimination

Canadian Orientation Abroad Participant Workbook – IOM

CAP santé mentale

Support, tools and grouping of organizations for loved ones of people with mental health issues

CAVACCrime Victims Assistance Centre

Help if you experience violence

Classes and Workshops – The Welcome Guide – Welcome Collective 

Greater Montréal – Affordable language classes and workshops

CNESSTCommission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

For labour rights

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse du Québec

Information and support if you experience discrimination

Community legal clinics – The Welcome Guide – Welcome Collective

Greater Montréal – List of legal clinics

Complaints section or Ombudsman at different institutions 

Find an ombudsman to file a complaint about an institution

Cost of education – Les cégeps du Québec

Calculator for college studies in Québec

Employment Rights – The Welcome Guide – Welcome Collective 

Greater Montréal – Employment rights resources 



Natural gas distribution company

Fauxavocat.ca (Fake Lawyers) – Barreau de Montréal

Find a centre de services scolaires – Fédération des centres de services scolaires au Québec

Find a commissioner for oaths – Justice Québec 

Find a community justice centre

Legal information, guidance and support

Find a community legal centre – Commission des services juridiques 

Find a daycare centre – Government of Québec

Find a drop-in daycare centre – Association des haltes-garderies communautaires du Québec 

Find a family community organization – Fédération québécoise des organismes communautaires Famille 

Find a family organization – Confédération des organismes familiaux du Québec

Find a housing committee – Coalition of Housing Committees and Tenants Associations of Québec

Find a lawyer – Barreau du Québec 

To find a lawyer and/or check they have the right to practise

Find a legal aid office – Commission des services juridiques

Find a notary – Chambre des notaires du Québec 

Find a perinatal resource centre – Réseau des CRP du Québec 

Information for future parents and parents of children aged 0–2

Find a Post Office – Canada Post

Find a SAAQSociété de l’assurance automobile du Québec service outlet – Government of Québec

Find a Service Canada office in Québec

Find a social pediatrics centre – Alliance québécoise de la pédiatrie sociale en communauté  

Support for youth and families in difficulty

Find an Immigration Consultant – College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants 

To find an immigration consultant and/or check they have the right to practise. 

Click on “Find a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant who is able to represent clients before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (RCIC-IRBs)” to ensure that your consultant has the RCIC-IRBImmigration and Refugee Board of Canada licence to represent you before the IRBImmigration and Refugee Board of Canada .

Find an immigration consultant – Québec Register of Immigration Consultants 

To find an immigration consultant and/or check they have the right to practise

Find an immigration lawyer – AQAADIAssociation québécoise des avocats et avocates en droit de l’immigration (Québec Immigration Lawyers Association)

To find an immigration lawyer and/or check they have the right to practise

Find an immigration legal aid office – Legal Aid Montréal | Laval 

Find an organization offering services to single-parent or blended families – Fédération des associations de familles monoparentales et recomposées du Québec

Finding a CLSCLocal community service centre – Government of Québec

Finding a Doctor – The Welcome Guide – Welcome Collective

Greater Montréal – List of medical clinics that accept IFHPInterim Federal Health Program coverage

Google Translate

A free website to translate text and speech


Québec’s electricity supplier

IFHPInterim Federal Health Program Toolkit – CERDACentre d’expertise sur le bien-être et l’état de santé physique des réfugiés et des demandeurs d’asile

Information about the IFHPInterim Federal Health Program


Find literacy classes (in French) or literacy and French classes

Information kit | Government of Québec 

Multilingual – Pamphlets about the school system for immigrant parents

Main website in French only

Information to learn French – Government of Québec

Information on French courses in Québec

Inforoute FPT – Compétences Québec

Information about vocational and technical training in Québec


Helpline specifically for 2LGBTQIA+ people – Available anytime by phone, text, email and chat

Intervention network for persons affected by organized violence (RIVOIntervention network for persons affected by organized violence

Mental health services for people covered by the IFHPInterim Federal Health Program , by referral only

IRCCImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada – Government of Canada


A free speech translation app

JuridiQC – Justice Québec

General information about separation and divorce

La Maison Bleue

Greater Montréal – Support and perinatal services for pregnant people and families with children aged 0–5

Learning French – Francisation Québec 

Registration for Government of Québec French courses

Most website in French only

Leave for victims of domestic or sexual violence – CNESSTCommission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

Legal clinic – ICW-CTTI 

Multilingual – Advice on immigration and labour rights issues

Legal services – The Refugee Centre

LGBTQ+ Compass – Montréal LGBTQ+ Community Centre 

2SLGBTQIATwo-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and additional sexual orientations and gender identities + – Multilingual – Discussion groups, workshops.

List of hospitals in Québec

Emergency rooms available 24/7 

Ma grossesse service – Government of Québec

Multilingual – Pregnancy follow-up, support and information

Mail forwarding by Canada Post

Maison Multiethnique Myosotis

Greater Montréal – Multilingual – Mental health support

Make an appointment for your driver’s licence – SAAQSociété de l’assurance automobile du Québec  

MIFIMinistère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (du Québec) – Government of Québec 

Mouvement Action-Chômage

Found in many cities throughout Québec. Search for Mouvement Action-Chômage online with the name of your town or region.

Naître et grandir 

Information for future parents and parents of children aged 0–8

Office de la protection du consommateur 

If you have experienced fraud or for information

Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec 

Première ressource – Aide aux parents

Workshops and mobile clinics on parenting and parent-child relationships

Qualifications Québec

For the recognition of prior learning and acquired competencies

Québec Ombudsman

To file a complaint with a government organization, ministry or health institution

Québec school system tool – TCRITable de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes  

RAMQRégie de l’assurance maladie du Québec

Registry of licenced agencies – CNESSTCommission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail  

To check the status of a temporary placement agency


Resources offering abortion services – Government of Québec

Revenu Québec


A free speech translation app

Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner at the health institution

If you experience discrimination or to file a complaint about a health institution

Sexual Violence Helpline 

Available 24/7 – Help if you experience sexual violence – phone and chat

SimulAide – Government of Québec

Tool to find out if you are eligible for social assistance

SOS Violence conjugale

Available 24/7 – Help if you experience domestic violence

Phone, text and chat available

Text: 438-601-1211


Suicide prevention

Available 24/7 – For crisis situations

Text: 535353

TALTribunal administratif du logement  

Housing rights tribunal


A mobile app that lets you interact with a volunteer interpreter online


Support for youth 

Phone, text and chat available

Text: 514-600-1002

Tel-jeunes – Parents 

Support for parents of youth

Phone and chat available

Translating Documents – The Welcome Guide – Welcome Collective 

Greater Montréal – Organizations and individuals that can translate documents


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