You will find answers to your questions about how to use the Carnets de route website and its various features. This page will be updated regularly.
Carnets de route contains information specifically aimed at refugees and refugee claimants, as well as the people assisting them. Carnets de route is intended to help you with the process of settling in when you arrive and during your first few years in Québec.
With Carnets de route, you will enjoy an engaging experience: reliable, organized and accessible information about Québec society, steps to take, to-do lists, timelines, summary diagrams and much more!
Select whether you would like to view the website in English or French, then answer the following three questions to be directed to the right information.

Your profile
Refugee Claims
Accepted Refugee Claims
Refused Refugee Claims
Technical support
Click on the “Refugee Claims,” “Accepted Refugee Claims” or “Refugees” button at the bottom right of the page.
You can select the option “Change my answers” and answer the initial questions again.
To access two different profiles at the same time, use a private browsing window or delete your browsing history and answer the questions on the website again.
Click on the pink bookmark at the bottom right of the page. You will be directed to the Favourites page, where you will find the items you have bookmarked.
On the Favourites page, click on the pink bookmark next to the item you wish to remove.
Check that your printer is plugged in and connected to your device. Your print settings will be the same as usual.
You have different options to find the information.
1-Click on the yellow magnifying glass at the top of the page. You will then be directed to the “Search” page. You can type the search term(s) into the search bar.
2-Click on MENU at the top right of the page. You can try to find the information you need using the themed section names.
Don’t hesitate to use the menu at the top right of your page. The menu is available at all times while browsing the Carnets de route website and is where you can find all the themed sections of Carnets de route.
Don’t hesitate to use the menu at the top right of your page. The menu is available at all times while browsing the Carnets de route website and is where you can find all the themed sections of Carnets de route.
This is normal if you are using a private browser and/or a public computer.
Click on the “EN” or “FR” shortcut at the top right of the page. You can also use your browser’s automatic translation function. Click on More Languages at the top of the page to find out how to activate automatic translation.